Huggies Pure Natural Diapers Count

Like lot of people, I'm looking out for ways and products to aid the environment and be more green. I'm a first time mom and I wanted to find something a little more green for diaper for my newborn. I had ordered the new born size before I went into labor. After I came home from the hospital I started using this diaper..... the diapers were leaking too often. I was worried and switched to pampers dry.... he started to develop diaper rashes inspite of applying petrolatum during every diaper change. So I switched back to huggies pure and natural, his rashes started to reduce, but the leaking problem started. I didn't want to give up on this brand, because it was huggies, so I decided to give this another try, so I ordered size 1 (my son is a big baby... 8.3lbs at birth) and that did the trick. So the first time around it was not the brand but the size that caused the leakage. Now my son is happy without any rashes and wet diaper and so am I. Sometimes he goes on without a diaper change for about 5 to 6 hours and never has it leaked after the size upgrade. Now I've ordered size 2 and my son is 2 months old. So for people having leaking trouble, try a bigger size. One advice - I was told that a new born might go thro' about 10-12 diapers a day and I could use new born size for upto a month and half. So I enrolled in the amazon subscribe and save program (btw, it is great time and money saver and the best part is you get what you ordered at your door step in two days with Prime Shipping) and by the time I delivered, I had about 300 diapers on hand-a months supply. But I couldn't use more than a 50 before I had to upgrade to size 1. So wait to find out your child's size and then stock up.
Get your Huggies Pure Natural Diapers Count Now!
I am having a baby in a little over a month and so far we only have one bag of swaddlers newborn diapers, 36 count I think, and we have a swaddlers club size box of size 1 diapers, 216 count, and then a diaper cake of size 2 swaddlers diapers... I want to have more then this in at least the sizes I know will get used, I won't buy anymore newborn diapers until I know how much he weighs and if he will go through more than one bag of them, but would you say we'd be safe in buying another club size box of swaddlers size 1 diapers? It says up to weight of 14lbs... 216 diapers should last about a month or so, assuming he uses 8 diapers a day, so if we got another club size box the size 1's would last two months... would it be safe to say they would be all used? Then later on when he is bigger we will get some more size 2's etc...
BalasHapusI have a newborn child and although we already have tons of diapers left over from his baby shower, when we run out we will need a cheaper source than the traditional shopping outlets. Help! We are on a tight budget as my husband works retail and I'm a stay at home mom.