Pampers Baby Diapers Economy Count

I am a stay at home Mom with 4 children. I have been buying diapers for the past almost 11 years and Pampers Baby Dry is hands down the best diaper on the market, and believe me I have tried them all! All of my kids have been "super soakers" when it comes to pee. These diapers way out perform any other brand including major brands and department store brands. The major selling points for me are:
1. They are thin, easy to pack 5 in a diaper bag.
2. Easy to unfold with one hand (if you, like me frequently have to use the other hand to keep baby still)
3. tabs are easily opened without extra unfolding and don't rip off like several other brands.
4. Doesn't leave residue on baby or smell like pee when really soaked.
5. wider in the front to prevent baby from peeing out the side (and my kids are experts at this)
One thing that may be helpful is to remember that Pampers fit better on children that are long and skinny. If your baby is short and really chubby in the bottom, then Huggies will fit your baby better. This, I believe, explains the few complaints about Pampers not fitting or leaking.
Hope this review was helpful!
I have Pampers Baby Dry Economy Plus Pack Diapers 276 Count - Size 1...How many should I purchase in the newborn size or 1-2? My doc says im looking at a 7lbs+ baby so I'm thinking pretty average. I really want to stock up for at least the first 3months so any thoughts moms?? lol thanks