Fisher Price Happy Nights Diapers Jumbo

My son (2.5) was having accidents at least once a night and leaking through his diapers. He is fully potty trained and only wears diapers at night to prevent bed wetting. After being throughly frustrated and annoyed at the leakage from the Seventh Generation diapers I tried these and I will never go back! They are PERFECT for little boys at night time. The top is tall/long enough to cover their bellies and protect against leakage from the top -- which was the major problem with my son. Also, they are so comfortable for toddlers that are potty trained that they actually keep them on at night -- my son has a habit of taking of his diaper off mid-way through the night. Bottom line - if you are at your wits end and are tired of cleaning sheets on a daily basis try these - they are fabulous!
Get your Fisher Price Happy Nights Diapers Jumbo Now!
are they good or junk I saw they are having a sale 2 jumbo packs for $10.00 the day after thanksgiving. Thanks