Pampers Swaddlers Newborn Diapers packs

I am always trying to get the best value for my dollar so at first I only bought whatever brand of diapers I had a coupon for. These are the only ones that never leaked. Also, I wanted to use up all the luvs and huggies I got for gifts but I wish I had just spent the money for these. I ruined so many outfits and had to do the full poopy dipe change (sheets, blankets, etc.) in the middle of the night so many times with him in other diapers. For a while anyone who was holding him would panic if they heard or smelled anything because those other diapers wouldn't hold his forceful breastfed pooh. These only leak occassionally. I guess no diaper is perfect. Also, the mesh is AMAZING. His butt is almost CLEAN after a blowout. So, he has never had diaper rash. You wont have to worry about your baby sitting in "flesh eating acid", as we jokingly refer to baby pooh as, if you cant change it the seconds after they go. I cant believe I am reviewing a diaper, but we are so pleased with these.
Get your Pampers Swaddlers Newborn Diapers packs Now!
Im a new mother to be and was curious as to what size diapers I should have stocked up for my unborn baby and how many packs, right now I have 1 pack of newborn diapers and 3 packs of size 1 diapers (50 pack each), I just want to be very prepared and Im not sure if size 1 will last or if I should go ahead and start buying a size 2, any advise will help.
BalasHapusShopping for newborn diapers and would prefer Pampers with an umbilical cord knotch but I don't want to pay much.
BalasHapusI want to stock up a little bit on Pampers, and I was wondering how many packs of newborn and stage 1 diapers I should get. I don't know how long a baby stays in newborn and size 1 diapers. I will be breastfeeding so that means more changes anyhow. Experiences? Opinions? Ideas?
BalasHapusI am 28 weeks pregnant with my first, so I have absolutely no idea how many diapers babies use. My husband and I are trying to stock up on diapers before the baby comes. How many newborn diapers, size 1 and 2 etc should we start with?
BalasHapusDo any generic diapers have this?
BalasHapusEveryone is telling me to get a few different kinds,but i'm going to start using the Pampers Swaddlers.What size box should I get?
BalasHapusI know there are all sorts of diapers out there and some are supposed to be just for newborns. But how do you pick the size you need before you know how big the newborn will be? Will newborn-size diapers fit every newborn? How many should I buy to start us out?? I appreciate the help!